Learn. Reflect. Lead.

Learn. Reflect. Lead.

Monday, February 29, 2016

1,2,3,4,5 Challenge

I have been seeing this challenge floating around twitter and my school and thought, "You know this would be a good time to reflect!" and "I really do need to blog." 

So voila...

1. What has been your one biggest struggle during this school year?

Some people may see the word "struggle" and think of a negative experience. My biggest struggle this year, though, is putting me in such a positive space that I feel so blessed. I chose to start fresh with a new position, a new school, and of course some struggle. I've struggled to wrap my head around teaching technology for the first time, struggled to find my place in a new staff, and struggled to create all my own curriculum.

Struggle has never felt so good! 

2. Share two accomplishments that you are proud of from this school year.

  • My collaboration with a colleague to design a project where all my students learned how to podcast. I blogged about it here. This happened early in the year and my students blew me away. It showed me that I could plan a unit with such depth for my students.
  • Getting back to my roots as an educator by building relationships with my students. Being in a school that values this is refreshing. When a student was having a hard time coping with some previous bullying and resorting to bullying himself, and the principal, helping him with some strategies to talk out his feelings, asked if there was an adult on campus he trusted talking to, he said me. It solidified the need to always work on those relationships. Needless to say, the student didn't bully anyone again.

3. What are three things you wish to accomplish before the end of the school year?
  • Survive - I'm very tired given all the newness I've experienced this year and by surviving, I mean working at the same level I started the year with.

  • Empower my 7th graders to take the lead on a digital photography and drawing unit. I will ask my students to use what knowledge they already know to teach lessons to their peers, or learn on their own and then teach. This will be my first attempt at turning my classroom into truly a collaborative learning space. I want to learn with them and share the leadership.
  • Guide my 8th graders in creating a badge system for acquiring the basic skills of technology. This will be a legacy project, one where the product stays with the school when they leave. They will create a badge system for 6-8th grade with badge designs, tasks, and a system for submitting evidence and receiving the badge. This is a bit ambitious, but I think my 8th graders have a good sense of what tech skills are needed at each grade level. I'm excited to see what they think of.

4. Give four reasons why you remain in education in today's rough culture.
  • The kids - Not only is it amazing to help students realize their potential, but it is also pretty amazing how much they help me realize my potential. 

  • My colleagues - I'm inspired by my peers everyday. They give me reasons to improve through watching what they do and support me when I need a shoulder to lean on.
  • Constant learning - I am continuously learning: about tech, teaching, building trust, how to have fun, etc. What other profession can you learn not only content, but also life skills?
  • The challenge - No two classes are the same, no two students learn quite the same way. I'm always striving to improve, use different strategies, design better learning experiences, reach that one difficult student. All the challenge will keep me young, right? I think so!

5. Which five people do you hope will take the challenge of answering these questions.
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Learn. Reflect. Lead. by Trisha Sanchez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.